Prayer Cleansing & Deliverance

Many people have been wounded in the shambles of life, and don not have a clue how they’ve gotten into their current situation.  A lot of the repercussions that they suffer from is a result of ignorance (simply not knowing) or can be traced from their past or from a generational curse from either their mother or father’s side of the family and so on.  It is important to know who you are and who’s you are as a child of God, and as a person.

Trauma has invaded the lives of many of you and you try and cope with life with or without God, or prayer or even without any assistance at all. Prayer Cleansing and deliverance is a ministry with a mission to educate the believer on issues rarely dealt with in the church which occur from emotional stress and trauma.

  We stand on the word of God and believe that it is the one authority as it pertains to life, salvation, healing and deliverance.  It is important that the person seeking healing and deliverance be open and honest.  The only way to get set totally free is by being truthful and not in denial.  For the scriptures state that ye shall know the truth; and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32. Who the son sets free is free indeed. John 8:36.

If you have been struggling in any area of life, personally, emotionally, mentally, socially, spiritually etc.  We believe that an initial counseling session assessment will shed a lot of light on your situation, and give you hope and a mindset to want to tackle what has been holding you back once the culprit is identified.  But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light Ephesians 5:13. I believe by faith that the enemies of your souls will be exposed, cast out and bound and sent to the feet of Jesus. I assure you that the spiritual assessment can assist in helping you overcome the challenges you may be facing, and this is only the beginning of a newfound freedom in the Almighty God and his dear son Jesus. I admonish you not to be afraid to deal with the truth remember the truth shall make you free.  “When you take ownership of it”. I believe you want to be free.  Do it for you and no one else, not mama, not Papa, not sister nor brother, you deserve the best.  There is a King and a Queen in you.  I know because I was you, and the Lord has brought me from a mighty long way beloved.

Prayer Cleansing is the Hub of the flow in the ministry, because it’s all about you being made free.  Feel free to put your contact info in the prayer box.  Only Pastor Frank will have access to this confidential information and under no circumstances do you have to worry about your info being divulged or brought up in conversation.  Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 

Beloved, I look forward to hearing from you

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